We share the mentality of thinking and acting together. We stand behind you, in the same way you stand behind your ideas. We make a difference for you, with enthusiasm and passion.
European patent attorney | Partner
Chemistry, Life Sciences
inorganic chemistry, process technology, polymer chemistry, hydrogen, circular chemistry, bio-based materials, litigation, tto, opposition and appeal
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Chemistry, Life Sciences
immunology, food and nutrition, molecular biology, genetics, medicinal chemistry, litigation, tto
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Chemistry, Life Sciences
food and nutrition, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer chemistry, renewable energy, hydrogen, circular chemistry, bio-based materials, litigation, tto, opposition and appeal
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Electrical Engineering
nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, telecommunications, network technology, information technology, optics and photonics, quantum computing , litigation
European and Benelux trademark attorney | Partner
Trademarks and Designs
trademark and industrial design law, copyright, licences and ip-contracts
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Mechanical Engineering
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Mechanical Engineering
aviation technology, offshore-technology, ship building, horticulture and general mechanical engineering
European patent attorney | Partner
Electrical Engineering
artificial intelligence, information technology, optics and photonics, biomedical engineering, measurement and control technology, automotive, medical technology
European patent attorney | Partner
Mechanical Engineering
mechanics, power engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive, packaging technology, medical technology, litigation
European patent attorney | UPC Litigator
Chemistry, Life Sciences
organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer chemistry, renewable energy, circular chemistry, bio-based materials
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Chemistry, Life Sciences
immunology, biomedical engineering, food and nutrition, molecular biology, genetics, neurobiology
Senior Plant Breeders' Rights attorney
plant breeder's rights
Senior European and Japanese patent attorney
Chemistry, Life Sciences
organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, process technology, polymer chemistry, circular chemistry, bio-based materials
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Electrical Engineering
artificial intelligence, network technology, information technology, optics and photonics, mechanics, measurement and control technology, power engineering, packaging technology, renewable energy
Director Finance & Operations
Senior European patent attorney | UPC Litigator
Chemistry, Life Sciences
immunology, biomedical engineering, food and nutrition, molecular biology, genetics, neurobiology, medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, process technology, polymer chemistry, medical technology, renewable energy, hydrogen, bio-based materials, tto
Senior European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Chemistry, Life Sciences
immunology, biomedical engineering, food and nutrition, molecular biology, genetics, tto
European patent attorney | UPC representative
Chemistry, Life Sciences
immunology, biomedical engineering, food and nutrition, molecular biology, genetics, medical technology, litigation, tto
European and Benelux trademark attorney
Trademarks and Designs
European and Benelux trademark attorney | Partner
Trademarks and Designs
Qualified Patent Information Professional
Electrical Engineering
telecommunications, information technology, mechanics, measurement and control technology
Senior Plant Breeders' Rights attorney
plant breeder's rights
European patent attorney | UPC Litigator
Electrical Engineering
artificial intelligence, telecommunications, network technology, information technology, mechanics, medical technology, litigation
Manager IP Support
Trainee Trademark attorney
Trademarks and Designs
trademark and design law trade name law copyright
European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Mechanical Engineering
thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, mechanics, measurement and control technology, power engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive, packaging technology, medical technology, renewable energy
European and Benelux trademark attorney
Trademarks and Designs
trademarks, designs, trademark brokerage, combating unfair competition
Trainee Trademark attorney
Trademarks and Designs
trademark and design law trade name law copyright
Senior European patent attorney | UPC Litigator
Mechanical Engineering
biomedical engineering, mechanics, mechanical engineering, automotive, aerospace engineering, maritime engineering, packaging technology, medical technology, food processing technology, construction technology, offshore technology, renewable energy
Trainee Patent attorney
Electrical Engineering
nanotechnology, optics and photonics, biotechnology, quantumtechnology, physical chemistry,
Trainee patent attorney
Chemistry, Life Sciences
molecular biology, genetics
European patent attorney
Chemistry, Life Sciences
food and nutrition, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, process technology, polymer chemistry, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, mechanics, measurement and control technology, mechanical engineering, packaging technology, renewable energy, hydrogen, circular chemistry, bio-based materials, litigation
Paralegal Plant Breeders’ Rights
European patent attorney | Partner
Mechanical Engineering
analytical chemistry, mechanics, mechanical engineering, automotive, agri- and horticultural technology, food processing technology, litigation, opposition and appeal
European patent attorney | UPC Litigator
Mechanical Engineering
optics and photonics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, mechanics, measurement and control technology, power engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive, aerospace engineering, maritime engineering, packaging technology, medical technology, renewable energy, hydrogen, litigation
European patent attorney | UPC Litigator
Mechanical Engineering
mechanics, mechanical engineering, automotive, aerospace engineering, maritime engineering, packaging technology, medical technology.
European patent attorney
Chemistry, Life Sciences
immunology, food and nutrition, molecular biology, genetics, neurobiology, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, polymer chemistry, bio-based materials
Trainee Patent attorney
Electrical Engineering
meet- en regeltechniek, materiaalkunde en nanotechnologie, optica
HR Manager
Paralegal patents
Senior European and Benelux trademark attorney
Trademarks and Designs
european and benelux trademark and design attorney, certified bmm attorney (bmm quality mark)
Paralegal trademarks
Marketing & Communicatie assistant
Paralegal patents
Paralegal patents
Client Support Specialist
Client Support Specialist
Paralegal patents