Trainee Trademark attorney
Trademarks & Designs, Legal
AI, Food and nutrition, Automotive, 3D Printing, Green energy (e.g. smart grids, heat pumps, hydrogen), Renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar)
English, Dutch
Lotte studied law at Tilburg University. During her master's degree in Employment Law, she took the course Intellectual Property Law, which immediately interested her. As a result, she decided to continue within IP law.
Lotte joined AOMB in September 2022 as a Trainee Trademark attorney. She will be based in our head office in Eindhoven and within AOMB she is part of Mark Your Brand. Lotte is a friendly and committed colleague and is always looking for practical solutions.
Besides her work, she likes to spend time with friends and family or does sports (strength training). In addition, she also likes good food or reads a book.
AI, Food and nutrition, Automotive, 3D Printing, Green energy (e.g. smart grids, heat pumps, hydrogen), Renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar)
Master of Laws
University Tilburg 2022