Trainee Trademark attorney
Trademarks & Designs, Legal
AI, Food and nutrition, Automotive, 3D Printing, Green energy (e.g. smart grids, heat pumps, hydrogen), Renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar)
English, Dutch
Lotte is adept at putting together the most appropriate IP strategies for our clients and is happy to clearly explain the options to them, including pros and cons. As a former entrepreneur, she can effortlessly put herself in the entrepreneur's shoes. Her specialization includes conducting availability searches, advising on trademark registrability, conducting opposition proceedings, drafting defenses, application strategies, conflict resolution, cease-and-desist letters and coexistence agreements.
With a fondness for sectors such as food, health, sports and fashion, Lotte feels at home in the fashion, cosmetics and food industries. She also enjoys working with fellow patent attorneys, bringing her into contact with innovative tech companies.
Lotte is a passionate professional with a unique background and a keen eye for intellectual property. During her master's degree in Employment Law at Tilburg University, Lotte discovered her fascination with Intellectual Property Law. Currently, she is in the first year of the two-year Benelux Professional Program in Trademark and Design Law.
As a valued member of our Mark Your Brand team, Lotte works from our headquarters in Eindhoven. Known for her friendly and engaging attitude, she always focuses on practical solutions and improving efficiency.
Lotte's life is a colorful palette of activities: socializing with friends and family, sweating at the gym and hiking in nature. At home, she creates her own oasis of tranquility, surrounded by the harmony of music and the enriching world of literature.
Master of Laws
University Tilburg 2022