The most pleasant IP company to work for and with!

    We are like a family business.
    That makes us different from other Intellectual Property companies

    How do you distinguish yourself from others in your market? Precisely. With strong ideas and inventions driving your products and services. And as long as others don't have what you have or know what you know, you will keep the competition guessing. The challenge is keeping this up. AOMB makes sure that you stay unique and that nobody else can unjustly capitalise on your inventions and ideas.





    Intellectual property has been our domain for over 55 years. Extensive knowledge of patents, brands, trademarks, designs, plant variety rights and legal advice is the norm. What makes our agency unique is our way of working. Our IP-experts commit themselves with passion and drive. They don't just think in terms of products, they consider your needs and your market. Together with you, they organise the best possible protection for your company, focusing on your specific situation.

    Netherlands, Poland and the world

    A total of 75 professionals work at AOMB, spread across one office in Eindhoven, one in The Hague, one in Utrecht, one in Arnhem, one in Maastricht and one in Sittard-Geleen. We have an additional three offices in Poland and we're connected to fellow IP consultants in Europe via the AIPEX-network. We work with patent attorneys, trademark and design attorneys and experts in the field of Plant Variety Rights. The integrated efforts of these IP-specialists, both at national and international level, combined with our 55 years’ experience, makes us unique.

    75 professionals
    6 offices
    55 years' experience

    Stay unique.

    Being unique, and staying unique, is fundamental to the success of any business. By protecting your ideas and inventions, you can stay ahead of the game, and your direct competitors. AOMB Intellectual Property protects and manages your intellectual property in the best possible way.

    Just to clarify: we don't make anybody unique, that's up to you. What we do is help take your ideas or (technical) inventions and carve out a position in the market. Or, if this has already been done, we can solidify and strengthen this position. We do so by optimally protecting your knowledge and creativity – your intellectual property. Because the last thing you want is for someone else to reap the rewards of your ideas.
    It is our vision to be the most pleasant IP company in Europe to work for and with!


    Chasing dreams

    Our core values








    Access to the best IP-specialists all over Europe

    AOMB is one of the founding partners of AIPEX, the European alliance of independent IP-agencies. Our participation in AIPEX means that our services to you are not limited to the countries in which we are established. Outside the Netherlands and Poland (AOMB Poland) you can always build in the country – and market utilising the specific IP-knowledge of our local AIPEX-partners. 

    This team of more than 200 professionals has been working together for years. They know each other through and through. Together, they ensure you get the best back-up you could desire, everywhere in Europe.

    Read more about AIPEX

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