
    Collaborate with us

    As a US patent attorney, you want your European patent applications to be arranged appropriately and to proceed quickly and smoothly. If you collaborate with the Dutch agency AOMB, you will receive honest advice, a central point of contact, and solid support from our Paralegal team. We strive towards building and maintaining long-term partnerships. We have room for reciprocation with US agents.

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    ''Knowing the differences between US and EU patent application practices is important when advising our US partners. Entrust this to me.” Ernest Baeten Patent attorney

    Being blunt for the better

    The Dutch are known for their directness. So are we. Full-service agency AOMB offers a direct way of communicating and giving you honest advice. We will tell you when your instructions can be sharpened. Honest feedback is sometimes harsh, but it does deliver a better result. We ensure your applications meet the EPO expectations. And, more importantly, yours too.

    Afbeelding Being blunt for the better

    Main EPO office close by

    From the start in 1973, the EPO has had a head office in the Netherlands. Like the head office in Munich, this office in Rijswijk examines 50% of all European patent applications. The EPO head office in Rijswijk is only a 90-minute drive from the AOMB head office in Eindhoven. AOMB also has a branch in Rijswijk across the street from the EPO.

    Afbeelding Main EPO office close by

    The Dutch Route

    Are you already familiar with the advantages of the so-called Dutch Route? By filing a Dutch patent application immediately after getting a foreign filing license, you obtain an official EPO search report, including a search opinion, before the end of the priority year. This search opinion is a roadmap for amending the application before filing an EP or PCT application for a smooth prosecution of the EP application. Believe it or not, this is all against no additional cost.

    Afbeelding The Dutch Route



    Clear costs

    As an agent, you want to avoid being surprised by unexpected costs or office fees for every single handling. Therefore, we have a very transparent cost structure. For example, we do not charge an extra fee for every additional task; we only charge for substantial work. Request our fee schedule without any obligation.

    Our paralegal team

    AOMB has a highly skilled and well-qualified IP support department. The office-wide team is managed by Dolinda de Proost, one of the founders of the Platform of Formalities Officers, chairwoman of the European Platform EPIPA (European Platform of Intellectual Property Administrators), and member of the SACEPO Working Party on e-Patent Process (WP/ePP). Thanks to our highly skilled and responsive paralegal team, our patent applications have never been rejected due to an administrative error. We understand that this is especially important for our partners in the US, where liabilities are high.

    Central point of contact

    European patent attorney and partner Ernest Baeten is our US patent attorneys' central point of contact. Linking Pin Ernest is responsible for distributing all outgoing work for the firm, allowing him to make promises with US attorneys, for example on reciprocity, which is unique. Ernest's background is in mechanical engineering, however, he entrusts applications in other technical fields to colleagues with the right background.

    Meet Ernest in person

    • On September 22-24, Ernest will be at the IPO Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
    • And on, September 26-27, Ernest will attend the Annual Meeting of the Association of IP Firms, Chicago, IL.


    We want to meet you!


    Do you want to know more or discuss a possible collaboration?

    Contact Ernest Baeten

    Get in touch
    Afbeelding Do you want to know more or discuss a possible collaboration?