European patent attorney | Partner | UPC Litigator
Packaging technology, Mechanics, Mechanical engineering, Agri- and horticultural technology, Architecture, Offshore, Mechanica, Biomedical engineering, Automotive, Aviation, Aerospace, Naval engineering, Food processing technology, 3D Printing, Renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar), Green energy (e.g. smart grids, heat pumps, hydrogen)
Eindhoven, Arnhem
English, Dutch
Before Ernest began working as a European patent attorney (mechanical engineering) at AOMB, he gained work experience as a marketing coordinator and management team member. "My real background is in industrial engineering and management. What sets me apart from many other patent attorneys is that I’m more interested than most in the business and the revenue model behind the invention. For me, the commercial aspect takes precedence over the technical. Essentially, you're buying a monopoly, which is purely commercial. Of course, you need the invention’s technology for that. But for me, patent protection is more of a means than an end in itself. With that in mind, I advise the companies I work with."
Together with his colleague René Raggers, Ernest is responsible for maintaining relationships with North American clients. "I try to understand the differences between American and European patent practices and advise colleagues across the ocean accordingly. On paper, European patent legislation resembles American patent law much more than it does in interpretation and execution. I also represent AOMB within AIPEX, an alliance of European IP firms. I spend a lot of time building long-term relationships, which makes collaboration with similar firms in Europe, but also in North America, more efficient."
Thinking Outside the Box
Ernest is direct in his communication. "When the European Patent Office sends us a list of objections to address before a patent can be granted, American patent firms sometimes want these addressed the American way. If I think those instructions won't be effective, I don’t follow the agent’s suggestions but instead provide my own feedback. My creativity shows in these solutions. I like to ‘color outside the lines,’ which also comes through in the arguments I make in legal cases. I let my colleagues figure out how to fit the lines around my ideas."
Ernest’s creative mind also shines in his personal life. "I rarely use scales or measuring cups; I prefer to cook by feel. Don’t ask me to make the same dish twice exactly as before. When I want to make something special, I’ll look at various recipes and create my own version. It’s actually quite similar to my work as a patent attorney," he jokes.
In his free time, Ernest is active in sports. He played hockey for many years and now regularly spends time on the golf course. He’s also completed several marathons.
Technical Business Administration
University of Technology of Eindhoven 1988
Marketing Coordinator Engineering Plastics
DSM Engineering Plastics
Logistic Manager
International Paper
Dutch Institute of Patent Attorneys