European and Benelux trademark attorney
Trademarks & Designs, Legal
Entertainment, Food and nutrition, Bio-based materials, Renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar), Green energy (e.g. smart grids, heat pumps, hydrogen)
Eindhoven, Amsterdam, Arnhem
English, Dutch
Janneke studied in Amsterdam and developed her interest in Intellectual Property during her time as a lawyer in The Hague. After this she specialized further as a trademark attorney at a trademark office where she worked for a long time.
In April 2022, Janneke started at AOMB. As European and Benelux trademark attorney, she is part of Mark Your Brand.
Janneke is an accessible and driven colleague with a huge passion for her profession!
In her spare time Janneke enjoys cooking big and she also enjoys sports in the form of running/strength training/yoga. Another passion is singing (black gospel).
University of Amsterdam 2006
IP Lawyer
de Merkplaats 2011-2022
Buren van Velzen Guelen 2009-2011