

    For many manufacturers, it is THE place to introduce their new technology to the market and for the tech savvy consumers, it is the place to take a peek into future and look how new technology is going to change their lives in the upcoming year.

    Although this year’s event was held online, CES 2021 was not short of interesting new technology that is likely to head our way in the coming year(s). Here are some of the tech that I found interesting in the Health and Wellness category.

    A good example is the Vision Check 2 launched by EyeQue. The new device can be attached to any smartphone and allows the consumer to measure their vision in a matter of few minutes. A visit to the optician can thus, be avoided. It also allows opticians to remotely access the measured data, if you should choose to, and provide you with a recommended pair of glasses delivered to your doorstep while you sit comfortably in your house. Eye catching!!

    While the earlier device, relies on the smartphone making the measurement, the VROR Eye Dr. launched by the Korean firm M2S relies on Virtual Reality, VR, Glasses. A specific content played on the VR headset stimulates the eyes and an inbuilt sensor tracks the movement of the eye. Based on these measurements, the device is able to generate a report identifying any deficiencies or vision problems. What is interesting is that a single test allows you to not only measure the eye power but also check for other problems, if any, such as color blindness.

    With these devices, looking out for new technologies shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

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